An Ideas Competition to shape the future of Colorado.

CALL FOR ENTRIES: Denver’s Single Stair Housing Challenge – An Ideas Competition to shape the future of Colorado.

Hey architects, students, and housing enthusiasts! We’re excited to invite you to participate in Denver’s Single Stair Housing Challenge. This is your chance to make a mark on Colorado’s housing landscape.

Mid-rise, single stair housing, often called “Point Access Block”, is the workhorse of walkable urbanism around the globe. However, this housing typology is noticeably absent from Colorado’s dwelling options because of current building code limitations. We’re excited to build on recent momentum surrounding the topic by hosting this competition, inviting participants worldwide to envision how Point Access Blocks can greatly impact the essential missing middle housing in Colorado. Our goal is to challenge the current constraints and boundaries to potentially reform these restrictive building codes.

The competition encourages thoughtful proposals for mid-rise point access blocks, up to six stories high, designed for underutilized lots where building code reform could unlock valuable housing potential within existing zoning rules.

Check out the competition website for guidelines, registration details, and prize info (with a prize pool of $20,000!). Use THIS LINK to get started. 

Big thanks to our fellow sponsors for making this competition possible – KL&A Engineers & Builders, Group 14 Engineering, Alliance Construction Solutions, Codified Life Safety, Nookhaus, IMEG, Pennrose, Sika, Livable Cities Studio & Buildner.

Meet us in the middle. Re-Imagine the Future of Colorado Housing with Point Access Blocks.