Exploring Mass Timber Across Three U.S. Regions

As mass timber continues to gain momentum, having reliable resources to share its benefits is more important than ever. We’re proud to have contributed to this comprehensive study, which examines mass timber construction in three U.S. regions: the Upper Midwest, Rocky Mountain Colorado, and the Southeast.

Conducted over two years with support from a USFS Wood Innovation Grant, this study—led by SCB, LeMessurier, and Turner Construction—reimagines buildings in Minneapolis, Denver, and Atlanta, analyzing cost implications, schedule efficiencies, carbon impact, and key design considerations. Additionally, it includes a detailed mapping of the mass timber supply chain and its potential effects on U.S. forests.

These white papers are intended as open resources for developers, architects, engineers, construction managers, city planners, and others looking to advance mass timber construction. Download and explore the findings here: Three Regions Mass Timber — Olifant